Our environmental justice campaigns are focused on ensuring that disinvested communities have access to a clean and healthy environment with resources within their community. This includes but is not limited to reducing air pollution, eliminating lead out of water, transitioning from industrial to green jobs, and increasing access to healthy resources like fresh food and local health facilities.
Our Campaigns
environmental justice investigative reports
We dig deep into data, research, science and the long story of Environmental INjustice across the Mon Valley. We created the reports to make information more accessible and relatable. We look forward to making more reports.
clean air water and safe housing
Greedy Corporations have poisoned our communities for generations. We demand a healthy, safe place to live. We fight for policy change, ending corruption, green innovations and reparations.
Community focused green investment
We live in a time of great invention and innovation. The old dirty ways of running our economy can not stand. Only short-sighted, lazy capitalists are resisting. We work for a Green FAIR Economy NOW.
our wins:
- Held demonstrations against: US Steel, national conference of polluters, Wilkinsburg Penn-Joint Water Authority and at the State Capital against lawmakers who do not protect our environment or health.
- Distributed 117 “Environmental Justice, Investigative Reports: Mon Valley Air” -in 1st round.
- Hosted 2 Air Quality educational game night events in the Mon Valley.
- Hosted the first EVER “Environmental Justice Candidate Forum”- for Allegheny County Executive .
- Hosted “Earth Day Quality of Life Lunch & Learn” mini-day conference.
- 8 week Youth Internship Program -Summer Movement Activist Apprenticeship Program (MAAP) 4 Summer Interns
- Worked with the residents and North Braddock residents for our Future to stop the proposed Merrion oil project that would have been next to the Edgar Thompson Mill plant.
- We helped Lobby and advocate for the whole home repair bill, equitable redistricting maps, and created priority ej issue reports for incoming elected officials
- Our members participated and spoke at the climate convergence and the youth climate rally.
- Turned out and average 10 to 20 people to provide comments at public hearings
- Surveyed over 300 people in the Mon Valley including McKeesport and Duquesne about the quality of their air and water
- Connected elected officials and decision-makers with organizers, coalitions that focus on core issue like Lead in the Water, and monitoring air pollution in the Mon Valley.

Join us at our next game night
Our last Game Night was in May. Next is To Be Announced.